1. Crane lift plan example – basis of preparation:


(1) Work Safety Law

(2) Regulations on Safety Management of Construction Works

(3) “Special Equipment Safety Supervision Provisions”.

(4) “Special Equipment Safety Operating Regulations

(5) “Lifting Safety Regulations”.

2. Crane lift plan example – lifting construction conditions to prepare.

1. Lifting program technology

Safety briefing lifting operations before the Ministry of Engineering and the Ministry of Safety and Supervision presided over by the Ministry of Equipment crane operators, lifting commanders, collaborators, etc. to participate in the briefing will be required to achieve a reasonable program, a clear division of labor, the responsibility of the rescue arrangements, the briefing will be a technical program, the participants sign-in sheet, division of responsibility and other information for the record.

2. Understand the weight of the lifted object size structure center of gravity and other parameters to determine the lifting program.

3. Lifting equipment inspection of this work by the equipment division of the operator is responsible for, by the lifting command staff to supervise the implementation of.

In accordance with the equipment compiled within the lifting equipment checklist for inspection. Crane start before the key inspection items should meet the following requirements:

3. 1 Safety guards and indicators are complete and intact.

3. 2 Wire rope and connecting parts in accordance with the provisions; 3. 3. 3. 3 fuel, lubricant and other equipment.

3.3 Fuel, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, cooling water and so on add enough;

3.4 The connecting parts are not loose;

4. Lifting operations using the spreader inspection, lifting operations using the wire rope, locking, carabiner collaborators climbing operations required for the safety belt and other tools, must comply with the safety regulations, and at least one set of tools to prepare a spare.

5. Lifting work area cleanup. The foundation of the lifting operation area should be flat and solid, if there is loose soil depression must be hardened; lifting operation area must be isolated by warning rope; if the night lifting operation must be prepared for adequate lighting conditions.

6. Quality requirements

Heavy lifter: obtain qualified certificate, can independently command, have rich experience in lifting skilled workers.

Technician: can be fully responsible for the technical work of the project.

3.Crane lift plan example – lifting construction process

1. Lifting construction process

Preparation for lifting → safety technology briefing → lifting.

1.1 Preparation for lifting – When carrying out all kinds of lifting and installation construction, the safety performance and reliability of lifting equipment, lifting machinery and its auxiliary tools must be checked in advance.

1.2 When hanging wire rope on concrete beams or columns of civil construction, it is necessary to set wire rope wrapping angle on concrete beams or columns of civil construction. If necessary, it is necessary to make a frame with channel steel. In order to avoid damage to the civil concrete beam or column and wire rope.

1.3 As far as possible, tower cranes are used as the main lifting equipment for hoisting construction. Minimize manual and inverted chain lifting operations. In order to reduce the construction labor intensity of construction personnel.

1.4 Before lifting operation, the lifting route should be reasonably arranged for the lifting equipment to ensure the safety of construction personnel and equipment in the process of lifting construction.

2. Safety technical briefing – Before each lifting operation, detailed safety technical briefing shall be carried out for all the personnel participating in the lifting construction operation.

3. Lifting

3.1 After all the preparatory work is finished and the safety technical briefing has been carried out to the hoisting construction personnel, the equipment to be hoisted can be test hoisted. Suspend for 10 minutes when the lifted equipment is 100mm above the ground.

3.2 After confirming the safety of test hoisting, then slowly lift the hook and carry out formal hoisting.

4.Crane lift plan example – Safety and civilized construction requirements

1. Hoisting construction personnel must strictly implement the “electric power construction safety work regulations”.

2. Into the lifting construction site must correctly wear a helmet, work at height must be fastened safety belt, and the correct use of safety belt hooks.

3. The lifter must be licensed.

4. The lifting construction personnel must strictly implement the provisions of the “ten do not hang”.

5. Components should be cleared of debris on the components before lifting.

6. Strictly prohibit the use of wire rope has reached the level of obsolescence, pro hanging pieces of wire rope safety factor should be greater than 10 times.

7. Six or more gusts of wind, thunderstorms, fog and other inclement weather is strictly prohibited construction.

8. Chain hoist need to be checked and qualified, it is strictly prohibited chain hoist overload, not allowed to split the double strand chain for single chain use, it is strictly prohibited to use the chain hoist has reached the level of obsolescence; such as the object in the air when the long stay, should be tied to the hand zipper in the lifting chain.

9. All lifting equipment must be qualified and checked before lifting to confirm the safety and effectiveness.

10. wire rope use and beam angle contact should be set up to protect the corner of the package.

11. The hoisting construction personnel should enter the construction site should be “I do not hurt themselves, I do not hurt others, I will not be hurt by others” safety consciousness.

12. It is strictly prohibited for hoisting workers to enter the hoisting construction site after drinking.

13. Construction workers are strictly prohibited from fooling around during operation.

14. There must be enough lighting facilities for night work.

15. It is strictly prohibited to take a lunch break or sleep at night in the working area.

16. Aerial cross working area should be equipped with isolation layer.

17. Construction work area should be “work finished, material exhaustion, site clear”.